Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Stranger: Journal 3

1. Everyone is originally good: No one in the world is born evil. A baby does not have the concept of "bad". Evil comes as a result of influence and experiences that shape a person.

2. Happiness can only be achieved where vanity is not: As long as someone worries about petty details concerning themselves, they cannot be free to focus on what is good in their lives. Therefore, they cannot be truly happy.

3. Each person makes their own life: Each person's life, while not completely controlled by the choices they make, is based on the way they choose to live it.

4. Nothing is guaranteed: We cannot control everything that happens in life. Nothing is for certain. Everything could change at any time.

5. Everyone has the need to feel and show emotion: Many people constantly remain stoic, both in public and to themselves. However, to live freely, a person needs to let go of emotions.

6. The greater a person's strength in their beliefs, the greater their strength of character: A person who strongly believes in something is unlikely to be affected by different opinions.

7. Ultimately, each person's goal is to find peace with their life: Whether consciously or not, it is each person's ultimate dream to find a place in their lives where they do not have to search for anything.

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