Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Brave New World: Symbol thesis statement

soma, constant emphasis on sex

Question: Why does Huxley use these self-induced practices that are not directly forced on citizens as examples of societal control as opposed to types of control that are forcefully imposed on citizens?

Thesis: Huxley uses the symbols of soma and sex, two concepts of self-induced pleasure that are, in reality, harmful, to show that if a society ingrains its practices of control into its citizens, the practices become such a part of society that the citizens begin to inflict them on themselves, unaware that they are a form of control.


  1. Good post Jayati, I think your thesis statement is pretty good and explains the use of soma and sex as types of control. I think there are more symbols to be found in the book though.

  2. I like it! And I agree with Nabe, there are other symbols in the book, but soma and sex were analyzed very well. Maybe John is a symbol in of himself. We can probably find more, as well.
