Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BNW Thesis Statements

Figures of Speech:
Observations: -John the Savage can never escape suffering-in Malpais people exclude him, but in London people don't give him enough space-ironic
-Huxley uses the metaphor of an iceberg in water to describe the distribution of power in social classes.
Questions: -Why does Huxley include the irony of John's endless suffering?
-What is Huxley's purpose in comparing the equality of social classes to an iceberg?
Thesis:-Through the metaphor of an iceberg in water, Huxley attempts to show that a society has to have some underdogs in order to function, and that attempts to change this social structure are only harmful to the society's ability to function.

Rhetorical Devices:
Observations: -John's realizations upon coming to "civilization" are similar to the observations of Mustapha Mond.
Question:-Why does Huxley draw a parallel between the experiences of a society's complete outsider and those of the society's biggest insider?
Thesis:-Huxley compares the opinions of John, an outsider, and Mond, the controller of the society, in order to show that a person who runs a society, while having more knowledge than the citizens, is even more of a prisoner than the others. Huxley expresses that those who are considered the biggest insiders to groups are often the greatest outcasts of all.

1 comment:

  1. Your first thesis statement seems like it is trying to answer two different questions.

    Your second thesis statement is good, it just seems a little vague.
